Maps and Territories

A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness.

Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity, p. 58.

Over the last decade or so, I’ve made a habit out of systematically collecting mental shortcuts: Models, tools, ‘hacks’, rules-of-thumb, heuristics and patterns that people around me use to get stuff done.

Curiously, I found that many of the tools employed in one domain — say, how game theory informs a military strategist, or fail-fast experimentation a tech entrepreneur — can be employed in other contexts just as effectively. While these tools don’t necessarily explain the fabric of reality, they provide a pragmatic foundation for making sense and navigating it effectively. Over the last four years, my co-author (the brilliant behavioral economist Julia Dhar) and I have been writing, re-writing and editing the manuscript countless times — breaking several deadlines, much to the frustration of our editor.

Finally, after years of work, I’m glad to announce that Financial Times Press will publish “The Decision Maker’s Playbook” this September.
Pre-ordering via Amazon is available: US, UK, EU.

I very much hope that the ideas in the book resonate, and of course it would highly appreciated if you could leave a review.